Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia


Volume 31, Issue 2, 2021

31(2), 2021

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Original Article

Mechanical and thermal properties of polystyrene and medium density fiberboard composites Juliana Cristina Kreutz; Paulo Ricardo de Souza; Viviane Prima Benetti; Adonilson dos Reis Freitas; Paulo Rodrigo Stival Bittencourt; Luciana Gaffo
Development of a bio-based adhesive from Protium heptaphyllum resin Marcos Danilo Costa de Almeida; João Antonio Pessoa da Silva; Felipe Fernando da Costa Tavares; Ludmila Leite Araujo; Jefferson de Souza Zeferino; Ruth Marlene Campomanes Santana
Migration of phthalates and 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene from cellulose food packaging Leda Coltro; Elisabete Segantini Saron; Thiago Ivan Pessoa; Julia Morandi; Bruna Santos Silva
Effect of molar weight of gelatin in the coating of alginate microparticles Joelma Correia Beraldo; Gislaine Ferreira Nogueira; Ana Silvia Prata; Carlos Raimundo Ferreira Grosso
Chitosan-based hydrogel for treatment of temporomandibular joint arthritis Fabianne Lima; Wanderson Gabriel Melo; Maria de Fátima Braga; Ewerton Vieira; João Victor Câmara; Josué Junior Pierote; Napoleão Argôlo Neto; Edson Silva Filho; Ana Cristina Fialho
PVC plasticizer from trimethylolpropane trioleate: synthesis, properties, and application Laura de Andrade Souza; Edson Luiz Francisquetti; Rafael Domingos Dalagnol; Celso Roman Junior; Maria Telma Gomes Schanz; Martin Edmund Maier; Cesar Liberato Petzhold
Development of electrically conductive polymer nanocomposites for the automotive cable industry Miguel Guerreiro; Joana Rompante; André Costa Leite; Luís Paulo Fernandes; Rosa Maria Santos; Maria Conceição Paiva; José António Covas

Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

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